ADULT Discipleship


Our relationship with Jesus and our relationships with one another.

Discipleship groups are some of the best places for meaningful relationships to develop and for sustained spiritual life-change to occur.

Canvas Discipleship Groups are about doing life together and walking in the direction of Jesus.


Here is a list of open Equipping and Life-groups. If you are interested in starting a new group please let us know

Thurs at 7pm  

Practicing the Way: 

The Practicing the Way Course features eight sessions of teaching, guided conversation, and spiritual exercises designed to lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus.
*This group will be meeting at the Cox Family home
Leaders: Pastor Noah & Emma Cox
Location: Colwood

Sat at 1pm | Starting March 1

Practicing the Way: 
Spanish Speaking

The Practicing the Way Course features eight sessions of teaching, guided conversation, and spiritual exercises designed to lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus. 
Leaders: Karla Townsend
Location: TBA 

Wednesday Night

Mens 33: One Group this Spring

“Men’s 33 The Series” is a six-volume series calling men to reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously, and invest eternally.
Canvas has several volumes starting up this fall.

Thursdays at 11:45am | Starting April 24

The Generosity Practice

Join others from Canvas on Thursdays from 11:45 -1:15  in the board room at
Quality Foods (Across from Vic General) on April 3, 10, 17, 24, May 1 as we walk through John
Mark Comer’s “The Generosity Practice”.
Leaders: Justin S & Pastor Ashley
Location: View Royal


Discipleship groups to accommodate different needs & leadership styles for various seasons of life.

 Read about the different types of groups below and take a step to join or lead a group! 


PURPOSE: Discipleship Prayer groups help us experience spiritual growth and develop meaningful friendships.

WHO: 4-8 men or women


LOCATION: homes, coffee shops, parks, or wherever is best for the group.

LEADER: DP groups are a beautiful picture of iron sharpening iron. The group exists to uplift and encourage one another.

CONTENT: Celebrate how God is working, share what you are learning from God’s Word, discuss the issues and challenges of life, and spend time praying together.


PURPOSE: Life-groups are designed to foster community across our faith family.  

WHO: 4-8 families or 6-15 people

FREQUENCY: Flexible. At least once a month but ideally two to four times a month

LOCATION: homes, parks, or wherever is best for the group.

LEADER: A life-group facilitator guides the conversation on what time, day of the week, and location works best for their group. The life-group learns from each other as they discus the Bible and share experiences together

CONTENT: Eat together, laugh together, celebrate together, play together, pray together, care for one another, and learn together from God’s Word.

*Currently Canvas has life-groups available in English, Spanish, and Cantonese.


PURPOSE: Tap into resources that have been designed to help us learn about the Christian faith

WHO: Anyone interested in learning more about the chosen topic. Some groups are designated for certain life-stages.

FREQUENCY: Weekly. Equipping groups are held over a period of six to twelve weeks during the fall or spring

LOCATION: In a home or coffee shop

LEADER: Material taught by a seasoned leader

CONTENT: We have a variety of different topics that are taught in equipping groups such as:
• How to grow your faith relationship with Jesus
• How to strengthen your marriage
• How to develop your parenting skills
• How to manage your finances
• How to bring health to your emotional struggles
• How to pray
• How to study the Bible
• and more!